Senin, 23 Januari 2012

secret of youth

hello you come to right place ;)
To stay young is the sweetest
dream of everyone entering
middle age, particularly women.
What would a woman not give
to look young? However, along
with that, still more important
than looking young is feeling
young and not aging
If you look around yourself
closely you will observe that
underneath his modern
clothing, fine grooming, and
facial make-up, the average
person of today looks worn out
and older than his age.
As early as in their thirties many
people’s faces become set, im­
mobile, haggard; their hair is
thin, gone, or graying; their
faces are covered with deep
lines; their eyes are dull and
tired-looking; their bodies are
either flabby and fat, or
emaciated. What could be the
reason for these shortcomings?
Are these people normal?
Evidently a condition of this kind
cannot be normal. When we
compare the span of life of
humans of today to that of
animals we see that the average
animal lives five or six times as
long as it takes it to reach full
maturity. That should hold true
also with human beings
inasmuch as they represent the
highest form of animal life.
Since human beings reach their
full physical development at
about the age of twenty-five
our span of life should be
anywhere between one hundred
twenty-five and one hundred
fifty years. When we turn to the
Bible we can read there tales of
people who lived to ages as high
as nine hundred years. No doubt
there is some amount of truth
in those stories. It may be taken
for granted that barring
accidents and cases of being
overcome by wild animals the
primitive man had a very long
span of life.
To live a long life one cannot be
old at forty and decrepit at
sixty. For that one has to be
healthy, strong, vibrant, and
active until a very advanced age.
Thus it may be safely assumed
that primitive man was young
until he got quite far advanced
in age. He surely carried all his
faculties and functions into old
Now what made him stay young
in spite of his age, and why are
we so different in that respect?
Since nothing of basic character
in man’s make-up has
changed since primitive man
roamed this earth except
perhaps that his brain has
developed into its present stage
we must presume that it was
his mode of living which kept
primitive man in good shape —
his surroundings, activity and
Whereas primitive man lived a
healthy, natural life we, of to­
day, do not. Our mode of living
is highly artificial and for that
we pay with years of life and
the premature loss of our
youthfulness. To regain our
youth and enjoy longevity we
must either revert to nature or
else imitate natural living
conditions as far as possible. We
have seen that physical work
and the daily exercising of our
body are good substitutes for
the outdoor life of primitive
However, as we have shown
before, the most important
factor in building health and
longevity is our food. Primitive
man, in most respects, lived
essentially the way we do
nowadays but he did not know
the use of fire for the cooking of
foods. He subsisted exclusively
on raw natural foods. This is the
secret of youth — when we put
living foods into our bodies we
build living cells in it; conversely,
dead foods destroy cells instead
of building healthy new ones,
and as a result, the renewal of
cells is sluggish; our elimination
is impaired and the result is that
we retain more of the old worn-
out cells. This constitutes the
process of aging – the inability
to replace worn-out cells with
new ones. When, on the other
hand, we supply our body with
living raw foods abundant with
vitamins and minerals we are
apt to build young cells, clear
our blood of toxins, our skin of
irregularities and blotches, get a
sparkle of vitality in our eyes,
and buoyancy in our legs. All
functions of our body will be
improved, including our
metabolism. This will change
not only our feelings of well-
being but will actually make us
look younger.
While all natural raw foods are
beneficial for the maintenance
of health and youth some are
particularly excellent for this pur­
pose. Citrus fruit — oranges,
grapefruit, lemons — and
pineapple are known to contain
enzymes which promote a
smooth pliable skin. Deep-
colored vegetables like carrots
and yellow corn are valuable for
their carotene; spinach, celery,
parsley, water cress and cucum­
bers, for their abundance of
chlorophyll. For best results use
large amounts of the juices of
all these vegetables. Raw milk is
another excellent source of life-
giving enzymes out of which
our body produces hormones.
Sex virility is a very important
factor in maintaining youthful-
ness. The older we grow the
weaker our sex powers become.
Many generations ago the
Indians in this country had
already known the secret of
maintaining their sex power.
Only recently we found out that
what they called “the love
apple” — the tomato — is rich
in substances which develop
into sex hormones in our body.
Use the “love apple” daily —
raw, if possible, canned,
otherwise, and thus retain your
sex power. For the same
purpose use also an abundance
of foods rich in Vitamins E and
G: wheat germ, yeast, egg yolks,
green and root vegetables and
inner animal organs.
There is another very important
aspect of longevity and youth-
fulness — the will to live. We all
know what tremendous
influence our mind exerts upon
all functions of our body. We
have heard of many people who
“gave up” on account of
debility or incurable sickness
and died prematurely mainly
due to the lack of will to live.
Very often people depart from
this world after having reached
their life goal — they have
nothing more to live for and
have neither the will nor the
interest to go on. Others make
up their minds to continue living
only up to a certain occurrence
in their lives — say to marry off
their youngest daughter and,
sure enough, they die soon after
this task has been accomplished.
On the other hand, we observe
just as often, people who are
deathly sick and who seem to be
on the very verge of passing out
any minute yet who continue to
survive for many years and
succeed in outliving people
much younger and healthier
than themselves. They cling to
life by the sheer will to keep on
To attain longevity make up
your mind that you are going to
live a long life and stay young
and then stick to this
determination doggedly. Affirm
to yourself daily — I am young,
strong and healthy; I am going
to live one hundred, one
hundred twenty, or one hun­
dred fifty years (set this
imaginary limit for yourself,
then stick around to see how
this will come true). By these
affirmations you will impress
your subconscious mind by the
determination of your conscious
mind to live as long or nearly as
long as you desire.
There is a true saying—”You
are as old as you think you
are” and another one “You
cannot have a young body with
an old mind.” By considering
yourself old you act old and,
thus, old age becomes a habit
with you. By convincing yourself
that you are young the reverse
takes place; you begin to act
young and feel young. Keep on
telling yourself—I am young, I
am young, I am young—until
you really become young.
As to general information on the
subject of staying young we can
offer the following suggestions:
1) Have a goal in life—live for
something so that you can
always look forward to
attaining it and meanwhile have
an interest to continue living.
After you have reached that
goal, no matter what your age is
at the time, set yourself another
later on, still another one —
never ending this process.
2) Develop enthusiasm. Do
things with gusto and enjoy
doing them. Do not grumble,
sulk, or complain. Do only the
things you believe are right—
you will then gain faith and
assurance in yourself and will
enjoy the fruits of your labor.
3) Keep learning new things all
the time, have new interests,
meet new people and change
places often by going visiting,
vacationing, and traveling.
4) Associate with young
people and people with
interesting personalities,
vitality, and humor.
5) Take interest in sports,
cultivate hobbies, exercise, and
do a lot of walking.
6) Wear light-colored clothes
—they make you feel glad and
7) Carry yourself erect, chest
up, shoulders back, and
abdomen in.
8) Laugh and joke around with
others and even with yourself;
have a cheerful, relaxed attitude
at all times; enjoy life as you
have it; do not cultivate
Associate with people who
share your ideas, especially
those on health and youth. Go
to health lectures and hear the
ideas of well-informed people
on health and other self-
improvement subjects.
Practicing all those suggestions
will keep you busy and content­
ed, and will leave no time for
brooding, morbid thinking, self-
criticism, or reproach. Don’t
give up! Build your body of
sound material and your mind
of sound thoughts. Make it your
goal to be young and live long.
You will surely realize this
ambition if you apply yourself
resolutely to doing so. And
youthfulness cannot fail to
bring you happiness with it.